Helping the Hurting

Helping those in need, is part of the heartbeat of our church. It's one of the ways we get to fulfill the command to "love your neighbor." Jesus says, when we serve those in need, we are actually serving Him. We believe every person is made in the image of God and therefore deserves care and compassion. So we look for ways to help those who are hurting. We do a number of events every year from helping individuals and families in need locally to globally as well. 

Some of the ways we serve:

  • Food drives for local food banks
  • Sock, diaper, and clothing drives
  • Making lunches for homeless shelters
  • Summer Youth Mission Trip
  • Serving at meal packaging centers
  • Operation Christmas Child
Serving Our Community!

We love to serve our community in various ways, whether it's handing out water to participants at the 4th of July parade, to collecting food for local food banks, partnering wtih Feed My Starving Children or Operation Christmas Child, we find ways to help those in and around our community. 

Kids & Youth Serving Others

The Kids and Youth of Live Oak choose to serve. Our Tree House kids love to do donation drives and our youth picks service/mission trip camps every year over other alternatives. Whether it's bringing their parents to serve alongside them in Feed My Starving Children, or packing lunches for the homeless that are given to Union Gospel Mission, our students want to be the hands and feet of Jesus!